John Hancock launches  Total View Credits

From John Hancock:

Today, I’m excited to announce the launch of Total View Credits — a new opportunity for even better decisions on your mildly substandard cases.

At John Hancock, offering progressive, competitive underwriting decisions has always been a guiding principle that’s backed by our in-depth experience, holistic assessments and proprietary underwriting manual. Now, with the launch of Total View Credits, our offers will be even better on your more challenging cases.

Key Highlights: 

Obtain up to a two-table improvement on your mildly substandard cases (maximum rating of 200%) — up to Standard for:

  • Ages 18-70

  • All face amounts

  • All traditionally underwritten products (individual and survivorship) 

What’s great about Total View Credits is that you don’t have to do a thing to ensure eligible clients are considered. Our underwriters will simply take our usual approach on each case you submit, assessing all aspects of the proposed insured’s profile. If the applicant is rated mildly substandard, we will then look for the additional favorable health and lifestyle attributes that will qualify for credits. 

So on your next case, think John Hancock first. Our accessible team of underwriters are standing by, ready to help you arrive at the best-possible outcome for your clients.



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