Price improvements on CareMatters II and updates to CareMatters in NY and CA

From Nationwide:

We have made another price improvement to CareMatters® II this year and any applications we receive from this point on will receive the improved pricing.

Keep sending in your applications! Any that we receive after October 17, 2022 will get the improved pricing. We will just hold and issue the policies on or after the effective date of the price improvement, which is November 7, 2022.

This price improvement impacts all scenarios. The average decrease in premium will be 5% and varies by the characteristics of the case.

Here’s an example of how the new rates for CareMatters II compare to the previous price improvement for a 60-year-old woman, couple, nontobacco rate with a 6-year benefit, 3% compound inflation, and Maximum LTC Benefit.

Another piece of good news is that we have been able to raise the maximum issue age for YourLife CareMatters in California and New York. This change is effective on November 7, 2022.

In California, applications for individuals older than the previous maximum issue age must be submitted on paper. E-applications will not be accepted.


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